2019 East Midlands Liberal Democrat Candidates for EU Elections

Bill Newton Dunn | |
Bill is an experienced European campaigner, having first been elected to represent Lincolnshire in the European Parliament in 1979. Bill was also MEP for the East Midlands from 1999 to 2014. | |
Michael Mullaney | |
Michael is a borough and county Councillor in Leicestershire and has also stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Bosworth constituency. Michael studied politics and European Union studies at university. Passionate about local and regional services, he has campaigned to save Hinckley ambulance station and for the electrification of the Midland Mainline. | |
Lucy Care | |
Lucy is a Chartered Engineer and experienced local councillor. Lucy was first elected as a councillor in Derby in 1993, and has also stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate in Derby North at the 2010, 2015 and 2017 General Elections. | |
Suzanna Austin | |
Suzanna has lived in the East Midlands for nearly two decades where she has worked for pan-European logistics companies. More recently Suzanna has run her own business joining the many hundreds of thousands of regional small business owners giving her an insight into their daily challenges and the importance of maintaining free trade with our closest neighbours. Suzanna stood as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Kettering in 2017. | |
Caroline Kenyon | |
Caroline moved to Lincolnshire from London over 20 years ago with her husband and 5-day old baby. Originally trained as a barrister, then a journalist and magazine editor, she set up her own PR business promoting Lincolnshire produce and British food, now evolved into an international food awards company. Caroline has a step-daughter who works as a GP, and a son who is a photographer. Caroline was spurred into political action after the Referendum in 2016, convinced that Brexit would be disaster for the UK. She is actively involved in the fields of food poverty, prisoner rehabilitation through many local and national charities. Caroline was the Liberal Democrat candidate for Lincoln in the 2017 General Election. |