A Penny On Income Tax To Save The NHS?

For too long our NHS has not got the investment it needs. That's why Lib Dem Health spokesperson and former Health Minister Norman Lamb MP has called for straight talking on the crisis, and suggested an extra penny for a new tax dedicated to the NHS and care for the elderly.
Whaley Bridge Councillor David Lomax said, "The frightening truth is the NHS is facing a financial crisis with treatment rationed because of tight resources.
"The Lib Dems are looking into how we can secure the future of the NHS, and are considering a dedicated health and care tax, to be shown separately on your pay packet. We need to pay for the things we care about."
Liberal Democrat MP & Health Spokesperson Norman Lamb said, "Brexiters claimed that the NHS will get another £350 million a week when we leave Europe, this has been shown up as a stunt by Farage, Johnson and Co, who were prepared to say anything to win the referendum."