County to Cut Social Care

The Conservatives in control of Derbyshire County Council have voted to cut the Home Care service so that many people now receiving care at home will no longer be eligible.
"This is a direct cut to a vital service for vulnerable people" said County Councillor Barrie Taylor. Liberal Democrat councillors voted against the Tory budget.
Until now home care has been available for people with 'Moderate' needs, but in future only those with 'Higher Moderate' needs will get care - a small change in the words, but the expected savings of £4million a year assume a big cut in the number of staff providing the service.
Personal Care Budgets
The other major change is the move, supported by all parties, to Personal Care Budgets. Instead of just having to accept what services the County is geared up to provide, elderly or disabled people will be assessed as to what they really need to continue to live safely at home.
They will then be allocated a budget which they can choose to use to get the care they want, either from the County or from another approved source.
However in future there will be a charge for the service of £23.90 per week, or more for those with substantial savings. The new system could help to match services to real needs. Under Labour's "free" service too many people did not get care when it was urgently needed, while some still received services long after the need had passed.
But the Tory cuts could jeopardise any benefits from the new system.