Ed Davey in the east Midlands

While we might not be able to meet in person during this current crisis, one thing we can do is chat virtually. That's why we are delighted to be joined by Ed Davey MP, acting Leader of the Liberal Democrats, for an open Q&A with local party members.
This is a fantastic opportunity to ask our acting-Leader any burning questions you have on national and international issues and hear him give his views on the party, government and the big issues facing families across the country.
All members and supporters are welcome to join Ed Davey MP and the local team on Friday 26th June from 6:30-7:30pm.
Just sign up HERE
We hope you can make it.
Best wishes,
Alison Rouse
Regional Chair - East Midlands Liberal Democrats
For details on how to download and use zoom look here: support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-