European values are Liberal Democrat values

In May 2019, when voting for Britain's representatives in the European Parliament, we all have a fundamental choice to make.
What kind of Britain and what kind of Europe do we want to live in? Do we work within the European Union to promote freedom, prosperity and stability, or do we stay stuck in the times of nationalism and growing authoritarianism?
Working together, we have achieved peace and prosperity on our continent.
The Liberal Democrat vision is one built around a free, democratic, entrepreneurial, prosperous, sustainable and united Europe open to the world. A Europe anchored in the four freedoms of movement of people, goods, services and capital.
A Europe where human rights, the rule of law and democracy apply equally to all. As Liberal Democrats, we believe in you, the individual. We trust in your own talents, potential and sense of responsibility, and your right to make your own choices in life.
We are more than 500 million citizens in the European Union. For centuries, even as European civilisation flourished, it was often interrupted by wars, division and repression.
In the 20th century, Europe was a continent still divided by walls and trenches. But in recent decades, we have been breaking down the barriers that divided us.
We have learned to cooperate, to make decisions together, and to shape our own future. As Europeans, we have built common understanding and institutions for democracy and justice, and now we have the responsibility to safeguard them.
Working together, we have achieved peace and prosperity on our continent. That is a tremendous achievement; it should not be taken for granted. The European Union is a positive ideal for many others in the world; an example to follow.
History has taught us that dignity and freedom for every individual are the building blocks of peace, prosperity and progress. Through strong liberal institutions, the rule of law and an independent judiciary, Liberal Democrats are committed to protecting and promoting human and civil rights.
In the face of the abuse of political or economic power, as liberals we defend the inalienable right to a life of self-determination, regardless of birth or belief, gender or sexual orientation. We want a Europe that is proud of its diversity and works for the benefit of all. We believe that our diversity is our strength.
As Liberal Democrats, we are the keepers of these core European values.
Reasonable debate, responsible conduct, respect for evidence and tolerance of diverse opinions all strengthen society immeasurably. We want equal and fair opportunities for everyone.
We want to leave a healthy planet to future generations. We seek to empower everyone through education. Every person should be able to live the kind of life that they choose.
As Liberal Democrats, we are the keepers of these core European values.
In this election, vote for Liberal Democrat MEPs who will champion these values. Our MEPs will join a powerful group of like-minded liberals, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.
With 68 MEPs in the current Parliament, the ALDE Group already exerts decisive influence and is set to grow further. The more Liberal Democrats we elect, the more we will be able to pursue these liberal values.
These are the only elections where Liberal Democrat representatives can be elected for Gibraltar - as part of the South West region. The people of Gibraltar voted overwhelmingly for the Liberal Democrats in the 2014 European elections (67%) and we pledge to continue to support their rights in Europe and to self-determination.