Former Minister of State for Trade backing Lib Dems because of Brexit

Former Conservative Minister of State for Trade, Tim Sainsbury, is backing the Liberal Democrats this time. Writing for The Times, he in particular highlights the damage that leaving the single market will do to Britain:
"In 1993 I was minister responsible for the UK's trade policy when the single market - a British idea - came into effect. The Common Market had already done away with tariffs. The single market accelerated exchange, as well as growth, by harmonising rules and regulations, making it possible for a lorry to load in Birmingham and transport goods to Berlin, Bucharest or Barcelona - and likewise for goods to reach the UK.
"Trade within the single market removed the need to fill in forms and removed checks at borders, which result in delays and higher costs. It is estimated that membership of the single market saves British businesses from filling in three million forms a year…
"The recklessness of the aims of those seeking a hard or no-deal Brexit, combined with fiscal irresponsibility, a lack of honesty about the implications for workers and jobs in the UK, and a disregard for truth and accuracy displayed by the prime minister and some of those around him have led me to conclude, reluctantly, that I cannot support the Conservative Party at this election".
As resident in the Kensington constituency, he will therefore be voting for Sam Gyimah.
Tim Sainsbury was the Member of Parliament for Hove 1973-1997, beating later Liberal Party President Des Wilson in that 1973 by-election. He was then a minster between 1989 and 1994.