High Peak Liberal Democrats Pick Young Scientist for Parliament

Stephen Worrall from Charlesworth, currently working towards a PhD in Nanoscience, has been selected by High Peak Liberal Democrats to fight this year's parliamentary election in May.
Stephen was brought up in High Peak and went to Simmondley Primary School and Glossopdale Community College, before gaining a first class Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Manchester in 2012.
Four years ago he stood successfully for Charlesworth Parish Council as a Liberal Democrat and since has twice been elected Chair of the Council.
Stephen told Liberal Democrat members at the packed selection meeting, "I have been a committed supporter of the Liberal Democrats ever since I was first able to vote in 2009, have worked hard for our Local Party in a variety of roles since becoming a member in 2011, and would be honoured to represent you and the people of High Peak as candidate."
After having been selected unanimously by Liberal Democrat members Stephen commented, "I believe that our party's commitment to its core principles both defines us and remains as strong as ever - the freedom of the individual, fairness, equality of opportunity and concern for the long term future of our environment, all of which are dependent on our economy functioning effectively."
"After the last election at the time of deep recession the party joined the coalition with our eyes open, knowing that unpopular decisions would be necessary, but it was the right decision for the country. However at the same time by being part of Government the Liberal Democrats have succeeded in delivering by far the larger part of the commitments in our last manifesto, something the Liberal Democrat party and its predecessors have not been able to do for a generation. A success made all the greater against the backdrop of the Conservatives' move away from the modernising agenda proclaimed in their manifesto."
Concerning local issues Stephen added, "Locally, with no party having an overall majority on High Peak Borough Council, the influence of our fantastic Liberal Democrat Councillors has often been critical. It is vital for High Peak that we not only maintain our hold on council seats in the central part of the Borough, but extend our numbers and influence. I personally will be campaigning hard to make sure this happens and I know that my fellow High Peak Liberal Democrats, who I must thank whole heartedly for giving me this opportunity, will join me in the fight. Together we will continue to serve the people of High Peak to the utmost of our abilities."