Chris Radley Canvassing Cartoon

Often people who have never gone door-to-door canvassing worry, understandably, that they might get asked all sorts of different policy questions which they are not sure about.

Does canvassing work?

Data from field experiments in Southampton by Florian Foos shows what the impact of canvassing on voters is. more

The rather more mundane reality is that although overall the public is pretty polite to canvassers and willing to to answer questions, detailed policy issues only come up fairly infrequently. When they do, and if it is something you don't know about, a polite request to take their contact details so that a colleague can reply in more detail works just fine.

In other words: if you've not been canvassing before, do give it a try with a local team - almost everyone comes away from their first canvassing experience saying it was easier and more straight-forward than they thought it would be. (And don't worry, you don't often encounter parrots.)

You can read the full set of tips for Lib Dem party members here.