May is ‘blithely ignoring her own dire warnings” about hard Brexit – Tim Farron

Revelations that Theresa May secretly warned about the economic effects of Brexit produced this sharp reaction from Tim Farron.
It is disappointing that Theresa May lacked the political courage to warn the British public as she did a group of bankers in private about the devastating economic effects of Brexit.
But far more disappointing is that now she is supposedly in charge, she is blithely ignoring her own dire warnings and is prepared to inflict an act of monumental self-harm on the UK economy by pulling Britain out of the Single Market.
She is doing so purely to satisfy the uncaring, divisive and extremist voices around her own cabinet table.
In Richmond Park voters will have the opportunity to say 'no' to that cynicism, by voting to keep Britain open, tolerant and united.
* Newshound: bringing you the best Lib Dem commentary published in print or online.
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