Message from Stan Heptinstall, Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate for the Liberal Democrats in Derbyshire.

I am so saddened to see the Policing Bill that is currently being rushed through parliament. It includes a power to lock people up for 10 years if they are involved in a protest that might "seriously annoy" someone else. I urge all MPs of all political persuasions not to allow this new Policing Bill to get through.
The problem is that any protest will "seriously annoy" someone. That is what protest is all about. Last year many of my Liberal Democrat colleagues protested against the shutting down of parliament. Presumably this "seriously annoyed" Boris Johnson. I guess he was also "seriously annoyed" when the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against him.
Every Extinction Rebellion protest "seriously annoys" the powers that be and the fossil fuel companies.
Every Black Lives Matter protest "seriously annoys" the racists in our community.
Judging by their subsequent actions, the vigil by people in London against women being harassed and abused "seriously annoyed" the Metropolitan Police.
Every time we turn on our television screens for the latest news, we see examples of someone "seriously annoying" someone. That is what protest is all about. It is because people are moved to draw attention to something that is unfair.
We see it all over the world, most recently in Hong Kong, in St Petersburg and in Myanmar. And we have also seen how "seriously annoyed" the authorities there have become.
We have a right to protest about things we feel strongly about. The only issue is how we do it. It must be done in a tempered and peaceful way. Yes, some people will still be "seriously annoyed", but we will have made our objection in a peaceful and respectful way.
Does this really warrant a 10-year prison sentence?
I urge all MPs of all political persuasions not to allow this new Policing Bill to get through. If it does go through, I will be very "seriously annoyed" with all of you!
I can be contacted by telephone on 07792 987890 and by email at