The United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2015 flew under most people's radars - but for those of us involved in the Paris Agreement, it was the most important moment of our careers. In the five years since then the world has changed, Shirley. Whilst Brexit, Trump and Johnson have fought for dominance of the agenda, a small, hardy band of activists and politicians have struggled to keep the climate emergency in the headlines. It has taken organisation, dedication and cooperation of progressives from many different parties and none. On Thursday, at Birbeck College, I proposed that that's the approach we need if we're going to save our planet. When the UN Climate Change Conference takes place in Glasgow this year, it can't just be smoke filled rooms and plenary sessions and handshakes between the rich and powerful. To tackle the greatest threat to our country, our people, and our planet, more voices must be heard. Every single one of us must take a serious role in holding key decision makers to account. If we don't take action now, it's not political points or elections we lose. It's our planet. Our home. The Liberal Democrats have always been ahead of the curve on climate policy and campaigns. Environmental action is in our DNA, and today it's more important than ever. So today, I'm asking you to be part of what comes next. We're launching a climate emergency campaign in the next few weeks which will be as big as our Brexit campaign and force the government to take real, meaningful action. Will you fill in this short survey to help us build a people-powered campaign strategy that will help us save the planet? The past five years have shown us the power of people. Now is the time to harness it to tackle the climate crisis - before it's too late.  | Best wishes, Ed Davey Liberal Democrats | | |