Now the bad news from Tory lead Derbyshire County Council
Decision on homes for older people A decision has been made to close seven of our care homes, which need major refurbishment to bring them up to modern care standards.
Decision on homes for older people A decision has been made to close seven of our care homes, which need major refurbishment to bring them up to modern care standards.
Could I take this opportunity to thank all those High Peak members who went over to help in neighbouring Hazel Grove Parliamentary Constituency's local election campaign. We won every single seat in the Constituency - which is now an excellent prospect for a Lib Dem gain at the General Election.
To update folks on the battle at County Hall to try and save Care Homes from closure.
Two events which could shape the face of British politics for years ahead will be occurring this week. First the local elections. Lib Dems and Labour are expecting to make substantial net gains in the locals on Thursday - but the Party makes the most gains will clearly be on the front foot for what comes next. Starting on Friday, the campaign to win the Tiverton & Honiton seat, vacated by disgraced Tory MP Parish, will begin with a burst of enthusiasm. We don't have local elections in High Peak this year but next door Hazel Grove DO. Six High Peak members have already made the short trip to the Hazel Grove office in Romiley but many more need to get over there by Thursday. Please go to Lisa Smart's shop at 34 Stockport Rd, Romiley SK6 3AA tel 07816 204762. Hopefully, helping to secure LD wins in the Grove will then add to our total UK-wide council victories and boost our Parliamentary byelection campaign at Tiverton & Honiton. I have already been helping in Hazel Grove and will shortly be starting
Stuart Roberts who is a former Conservative councillor and outgoing deputy president of the National Farmers' Union. And earlier this week, he joined the Liberal Democrats and said:-
It's just a few weeks until polling day, but don't worry, we have plenty of resources and training to help make sure you are ready.
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.