European elections 2019: what will happen in the East Midlands?
The East Midlands was a UKIP heartland area during the party's peak years of 2013-14, and 59% of its voters backed Leave in the Brexit referendum. UKIP topped the poll here in the last European parliament elections, but their supporters have almost all now switched to the Brexit Party. According to the latest polling, they are guaranteed two of the region's five seats. Labour and the Liberal Democrats are almost certain of a seat each. The last of the region's five seats will depend on whether the Conservatives' vote collapse can be stemmed. If not, Farage's party will likely pick it up. With voters able to cast only a single vote for a party list, the Democratic Audit team reviews likely outcomes and the main potentially electable candidates.

Ex West Derbyshire Tory MP, Matthew Parris to Vote Liberal Democrat
Why I'll vote Lib Dem for the first time in my life I hadn't expected the question but, when it came, my answer was straight from both heart and head, and I shall never regret it. On Monday night the BBC News Channel presenter, Lukwesa Burak, had invited me to discuss the withdrawal of the Conservative whip from Michael Heseltine. He's being punished by the Tories for saying he would vote Liberal Democrat in tomorrow's European elections. I voiced the admiration I feel for Lord Heseltine.
Listen to The Candidates in the East Midlands
Listen to the candidates on Sunday Politics East Midlands here If you haven't got time to listen to the whole programe listen to Bill Newton Dunn and Lucy Care canvassing 13 minutes in.

Former Tory Deputy Prime Minister: Michael Hesseline is voting for Bill Newton Dunn
Writing in the Sunday Times Michael Hesseltine says: Until the Tories see sense on a people's vote, I will give mine to the Lib Dems Brexit seeps its poison into every family, age group, class and region. Parliament is a mirror image of national disunity. None of us can escape the transcending issue of our time.
Sajid Javid’s knife ASBOs won’t work. Here’s a better solution
The Home Secretary's new measures to tackle knife crime will waste police time and money. A public health approach is needed. As of May 16 2019 today, the government's Offensive Weapons Act has Royal Assent - and Sajid Javid's controversial Knife Crime Prevention Orders have now become law.
UK Lib Dem news

Black History Month 2024
October is Black History Month - a chance to celebrate the Black British community, acknowledge their contributions and discover their stories.

Ed Davey's speech to Liberal Democrat Conference
Read Ed Davey's speech to the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference in Brighton

A Fair Deal for Family Carers
Carers are not just support for their loved ones—they are the glue holding our fragile social care system together. They deserve more than token acknowledgements or empty promises.