Nick Clegg's account of the coalition and its aftermath is an insightful and in many places startlingly frank account. This is not a complete review, though do buy and read the book for yourself, but I'll pick up a few of the issues raised. Nick devotes a chapter to "the plumage of power" - looking at how a government anchored in the centre ground by Liberal Democrats ended up appearing from the outside merely to be run by unusually moderate Conservatives. One aspect of this was being seen with the trappings of power. The value was understood all along by Conservatives - because they live for this sort of thing. Speaking at the door of number 10, etc. There's a fascinating contrast between the coalition DPM who had a veto on government policy but no real visible trappings - and, say, the US Vice President who is well adorned with plumage, but whose powers are 'not worth a bucket of warm spit'.