We need mental health support at work – and every employer should commit to it Norman Lamb
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health, and in both cases we are on a continuum, where our health can vary day to day. It is estimated that one in four people experience a mental health issue in any given year, and that one in six employees is depressed, anxious or suffering from stress-related problems at any time. However, many of us know little about mental health. We often don't spot the signs that a colleague, employee, or we ourselves are struggling, and this delays help and recovery. Last week Business in the Community (BiTC) released the most comprehensive report of its kind, called Mental Health at Work. Worryingly, the report uncovered the fact that over three-quarters of employees have experienced poor mental health, and almost half of workers would not talk to their manager about a mental health issue. And while employers are talking more about it, words are not translating into action.