The conference policy paper on "Mending the Safety Net" contains lots of good stuff on a wide range of welfare policy, even if I say so as a member of its working group. But, at Conference and beyond, I think it's important not to get distracted from the big issue of the £13bn of cuts planned by the Conservatives. Reversing these - and indeed going further - is what will make the biggest difference to people's lives, to UK inequality and even to the economy (and hopefully win a few votes in the process). Within this, here are three goals that the party should be fighting for. Increasing working-age benefits in line with inflation - and ultimately earnings George Osborne announced that most non-pensioner benefits would be frozen at their 2015 levels for 4 more years. Even before the Brexit vote, this was expected to be a massive drag on living standards. But inflation over the next few years is now expected to be higher than previously predicted - driven by rising import prices due to the weaker pound - and un